Stefan Wülser +
Hohlstrasse 190
CH 8004 Zurich

+41(0)44 440 04 01

Stefan Wülser +
Werftestrasse 4
CH 6002 Lucerne

The "+" in the company name signifies a thoroughly open, collaborative, transdisciplinary and brave architecture practice.

Stefan Wülser Dipl. architect FH (*1982)
1998–2002 Apprenticeship as structural draughtsman
2002 Vocational baccalaureate 2002
2002–2007 Studied architecture at FH Lucerne
2008 Various workshops AA - Architectural Association London
2008 Guest lecturer at institutes of art history and philosophy
2008 Collaboration with Architecture Gallery Lucerne
2009 – 2015 Collaboration with Frei + Saarinen Frei + Saarinen and Galli Rudolf
2015 Foundation of Wülser Bechtel Architekten GmbH with Nicolaj Bechtel
2012-2013 Assistent to Guestprofessorship Winy Maas / The ? Factory ETHZ
2014-2016 Assistant to several Professorships FHNW
2016-2018 Lecturer at the FHNW
2018 Best transformation 2018, honorable mention, House in Windisch
From 2019 Publications in Archithese, Werk, Hochparterre, u.A
From 2020 Vorträge und Gastkritiken an der IUAV Venedig IT, ETH Zürich, HEAD Genève, FHNW Basel, BFH Burgdorf, FH Coburg DE, Architekturforum Zürich, ZAZ Zürich, Swissbau, a.o
From 2020 continuation of the office as Stefan Wülser +
2020-2024 Lecturer at the HSLU
2020 Wild card, Hochparterre sponsorship award for young offices
2021 Invitation to the Young European Architecture Happening in Esch-Sur-Alzette
2022 Invitation to the Biennale Svizzera del Territorio "(non)finito"
2023 Publication Architektur Machen: Schweizer Architektur im Gespräch
2023 Publication Anthologie: Stefan Wülser +
2023 Finalist Swiss Art Award Architektur
From 2024 Professor at the HSLU

Current collaborators:
Mona Fögler, Architektin Msc.
Agnieszka Latak, Architektin Msc.
Julian Grädel, Architekt Msc.
Moritz Wahl, Architekt Msc.
Daria Ryffel, Architektin Msc.
Maude Voutat, Architektin Msc.
Maria Gisler, Architektin Bsc.

Former collaborators:
Clemens Krüger, Cand. Architekt Msc.
Riccardo Simioni, Architekt Msc.
Geraldine Burger, Architektin Msc.
Jan Helmchen, Architekt Msc.
Héloise Dussault-Cloutier, Cand. Architektin Msc.
Johanna Scherrer, Cand. Architektin Msc.
Ileana Crim, Cand. Architektin Msc.
Clea Elena Di Martino, Architektin Msc.
Nicolaj Bechtel, Dipl. Architekt
Margarida Leão, Architektin Msc.
Valentin Fehlmann, Cand. Architekt Bsc.
Samuel Fuchs, Cand. Architekt Msc.
Daniel Klinger, Dipl.Ing. Architekt
Rogier Bos, Architekt Bsc.
Alice Francesconi, Architektin Msc.
Veronika Bonora, Architektin Msc.
Simona Zimmermann, Architektin Msc.

Project specific collaborations:
Balissat Kaçani Architekten
Galli Rudolf Architekten
Bessire Winter
Detours Universe
Proplaning Baumanagement
Pius Vollenweider Baumanagement
Raumanzug Bauphysik & Haustechnik
Schnetzer Puskas Bauingenieure
Basler Hoffmann Bauingenieure
Walt Galmarini Bauingenieure
Seforb Bauingenieure
Indermühle Holzbau-Ingenieure
Holzprojekt Holzbau-Ingenieure
IHT Holzbau-Ingenieure
Lorenz Eugster Landschaftsarchitektur
Krebs Herde Landschaftsarchitekten

Instagram: @stefanwuelser
Applications: PDF <10MB per Email or Wetransfer

© Stefan Wülser +
Unless otherwise stated, all content on this website is the intellectual property of Stefan Wülser Architektur GmbH and may not be used or reproduced without express consent. Use for study purposes is excluded.

Foundation: 2015
Legal form: GmbH
UID: CHE-250.546.118
Commercial Register: CH-

Website design and programming: Hannes Gloor
Photographic documentation house in Windisch & house in Winterthur: Nicolaj Bechtel
Photographic documentation of the remaining projects: Stefan Wülser
